Our Mission:
To encourage kids to
support veterans and their families through:
Community Outreach;
Education; &
Charitable Giving.

My name is Libby, and I am a sophmore at Shawnee Mission East high School. I started Kids 4 Vets 2016 after volunteering at the Heart of America Stand Down, in 1st grade. The Stand Down is an event which offers a hand up to veterans in need. Click here to learn more about the Stand Down. I started a toiletry collection at my elementary school, and gave out supplies at the Stand Down in 2015 and have done it ever since with support from students, families & teachers. Since then, I decided to share my experience with other kids, who are interested in helping our veterans.
Toiletry Collection Drives -2023:
Kids 4 Vets will be helping coordinate toiletry drives this spring with the amazing support of the faculty and students of area schools. Each grade competes to see who can collect the most supplies to support veterans in need. The winning class gets a warm/fuzzy feeling. Just kidding, everyone that participates will feel good knowing that they have helped to give back to our veterans. The winning grade will receive a pizza party, courtesy of Kids 4 Vets! For a complete list of toiletries needed, please click here.
Kids 4 Vets would not be possible without the guidance of the Heart of America Stand Down. This is a group that is dedicated to offering: "A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out" to veterans in need. We encourage both monetary and in-kind donations to this worthy organization. We have also provided information on other volunteer opportunities on our "Get Involved" page. We encourage all that can, to find time this Veterans Day to honor and support those who serve.
Get Involved
Kids 4 Vets was honored to partner with Heart to Heart International
for our fall 2019 Stand Down Collection. Heart to Heart donated thousands of toiletries to Kids 4 Vets to hand out at the Fall Stand Down. This amazing organization has invested more than 2 billion dollars and more than one million service hours supporting people in need across more 131 countries. We are grateful for the generous donation, and encourage everyone to donate to this amazing organization.
Prairie Elementary School, Indian Hills Mission School. & Shawnee Mission East High School Prairie Village, KS
Click here to contact us with any questions!
Latest Projects/News
Masks 4 Vets, 2020

I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say that 2020 was hectic. COVID-19 has infected so many people and we were all trying to stay safe but not all people have the correct supplies. Masks were required everywhere you go to help slow the spread of the virus and it's kind of hard to wear a mask when you don't own a mask and you're a resident at St. Michael's Veterans Center. Kids 4 Vets decided to help that by making masks for the 125 veterans living at St. Michael's. Click here to read more of our adventures in mask making.
St. Michael's "Celebration of Heroes"
Guardian Award, 2019

In November 2019, I was honored to attend the "Celebration of Heroes", the annual fundraising event hosted by St. Michael's Veterans Center. The event was held at the WWI Museum at the Liberty Memorial. I was so honored to receive the "Youth Guardian Award", and to meet so many incredible community leaders dedicated to supporting our veterans' community.
Susan Engel, Art Filmore, Libby, & Mayor Quinton Lucas.
Stand Down 2019
The Prairie Elementary Stand Down collection kicked off on October 29, 2019 with a generous donation from Heart to Heart International, an organization dedicated to strengthening communities through "improving health access, providing humanitarian development and administering crisis relief worldwide." For more information about this amazing organization please visit:
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The Prairie Elementary Stand Down Collection was a huge success! The fall Stand Down served nearly 400 veterans in need, and the Prairie Collection was part of its success. Thank you to all of the Prairie Students, Faculty, PTA, and parents for their support. Also, to take a look at this year's Stand Down, please check out this link provided by KCTV5.