Memorial Day Celebration At The Station-2019
In 2018, Kids4Vets was invited by KCPT Kids to take part in Kansas City's Memorial Day "Celebration at the Station". This annual event is held at our own Union Station and includes food, activities, fireworks, and a performance by the Kansas City Symphony (read more here). We were honored to be asked to host a booth this year to help celebrate Memorial Day and to honor members of the US Military. Over the holidays, you may get presents from family and friends, but sometimes the best present of all is a heartfelt, handwritten card. This year at the Memorial Day Celebration, at our booth, you could make a card for a veteran (and either give it to someone you know or give it to us) and also you could make patriotic-themed bracelets. We then handed out the cards that people gave to us at the Heart of America Stand Down and much like getting a card over the holidays, it touched the veterans hearts so much!